Ajara in Georgia is a must-visit


The Georgian region of Ajara is emerging as a top tourism destination in 2023, situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. With its 21-kilometer Black Sea coastline and stunning mountainous landscapes, the region offers a diverse range of attractions and is committed to sustainable development.

The capital city of Batumi, known as Georgia’s party capital, features sleek hotels, restaurants, and bars along with beautiful beach resorts. The subtropical climate allows for relaxing beach days in the summer and hiking opportunities in the surrounding mountains. Ajara has created new tourist trails in the mountain regions and boasts protected areas and national parks.

Gobroneti village, located an hour’s drive from Batumi, offers a 12-kilometer forest hiking trail with waterfalls, chestnut trees, and wildlife. Ajara will co-host the UEFA Under 21 Championships in 2023, and the Batumi Birdwatching Festival is another popular event, showcasing the region’s rich avian diversity. For wine enthusiasts, Ajara offers unique grape varieties and traditional winemaking methods.

Ajaristskali village in the Keda municipality is known for its Tsolikauri and Chkhaveri wines. Ajara’s commitment to sustainability, natural beauty, cultural events, and culinary delights make it an exciting and off-the-beaten-path destination for travelers.
