Alaska Airlines Embarks on Hawaii Adventure with deserving students


Maui sea turtle

Sure, it was a voluntary trip, and you had to be chosen. But many of these seventh and eighth graders had never flown on an airplane or traveled without their families. As part of this unforgettable, weeklong educational trip — during which they volunteered and took part in leisure activities like snorkeling and surfing — the students learned how to become mindful travelers, conquered new fears, and welcomed new cultures, people, and experiences into their lives.

It was an annual trip by Alaska Airlines to honor deserving students. Throughout the seven-day experience, the 12 selected West Oakland Middle School students embraced the Hawaiian principle of malama (taking care) of the land and environment with giveback activities, including helping to harvest a lo`I (taro patch) and a hands-on opportunity to help rehabilitate a Hawaiian green sea turtle that recently suffered an injury at sea. Additional activities included historical lessons and immersive cultural experiences.

The trip was in conjunction with a travel outfit called STATE Bags. The students also learned about the importance of sustainability and took a tour of the University of Hawaii. Might as well get them thinking about college now, right?

The student trip was held April 2-8, 2023. The students learned about Hawaii’s fragile ecosystem and more. It is an extension of Alaska Airlines’ “Gift of Travel” program through which the airline donates flights and accommodations to well-deserving individuals or groups.
