Alaska Airlines Flight Diverted Twice Amid Technical Issues


Image: Alaska Airlines Boeing 737. (photo via DaveAlan/iStock Unreleased)

An Alaska Airlines flight had to be diverted, not once but twice, for technical issues.

Certainly, it’s an ambivalent feeling that you’re either lucky that it was caught twice or you feel differently that there were problems twice on the same airplane. Flight 1219 was originally scheduled from Los Angeles to Seattle.

Both times it was diverted to Sacramento for what was described as an electrical issue. There were no reported injuries aboard the Boeing 737-990. Whatever the issue was, it forced the flight to veer off its route.

Alaska assured passengers that the mechanical issue had been resolved after the first diversion.

But after taking off from Sacramento to continue its journey on to Seattle, the same light went on in the cockpit and signaled the same mechanical issue, forcing the pilots to return to Sacramento.

The crew twice had to land the plane under emergency circumstances. What was supposed to be a two-hour and 15-minute flight from L.A. suddenly became something more and certainly more time-consuming. Adding to the anxiety level, firefighters were dispatched to the airport both times as a precautionary measure.

Alaska put out a statement acknowledging the mechanical problems and praised its crew and staff for two successful emergency landings.

The airline said it will continue to investigate what went on.
