Alaska Airlines Forced to Cancel Flights as Pilots Picket


Alaska Airlines Boeing 737

Alaska Airlines on Friday was forced to cancel almost 10 percent of its flight schedule as pilots picketed in several west coast cities, protesting what they say is a three-year impasse in contract negotiations.

The pilots are seeking better pay and more flexible hours to spend time with family, according to the Association Press.

Citing data from the flight tracking service, the AP noted that 66 flights were canceled in Alaska Airlines’ hub in Seattle, 20 in Portland, 10 in Los Angeles and seven in San Francisco.

In a statement, Alaska noted the cancellations could continue through the weekend.

“It takes everyone at Alaska to run a successful and reliable operation. Today, we fell short. We’re grateful for all employees who are working hard to get our guests to where they need to go,” the airline said in the statement.

Pilot Will McQuillen, also the head of the pilots’ union for Alaska Airlines’ pilots, said the pickets were informational and not a strike.

“Attrition is a real concern,” he said. “Pilots will leave for the career carrier of their choice that provides them the quality of life, the ability to be home with their family and the protections to know once they’ve invested their career that they will be with that carrier for life.”

Alaska Airlines said the three-year impasse in negotiations was due largely to the pandemic.

“It’s a significant financial investment in our pilot group while recognizing that we are still working to recover from $2.3 billion in losses from the COVID-19 pandemic,” the airline said according to its statement.
