American Airlines won’t offer alcohol in economy until September


American Airlines won’t resume alcohol sales in its main cabin until September.

An internal memo to flight attendants Saturday says economy passengers will have to wait until at least Sept. 13 before they can order a mid-flight drink. The Fort Worth, Texas-based airline had previously announced plans to end its pause on alcohol sales in the economy cabin this summer but hadn’t set a date.

The federal face mask requirement for airplanes, airports and other modes of transportation currently runs through Sept. 13.

Alcohol sales in American Airlines’ main cabins were first suspended in late March 2020 to limit interactions between passengers and flight attendants amid the COVID pandemic. The decision to continue no alcohol sales through most of the summer comes after numerous accounts of unruly passengers in recent months, including one incident in which a Southwest Airlines flight attendant lost two teeth after allegedly being assaulted by a passenger.

By Bailey Schulz
