April US Travel Agency Air Ticket Sales Total $8.7 Billion


Image: Crowd of people in an airport security line (Photo Credit: Eric Bowman)

Air ticket sales from U.S. travel agencies totaled $8.7 billion in April, signaling a strong recovery of air travel this spring, according to Airlines Reporting Corp. (ARC).

The total represents a thirteen percent increase from April 2022. Ticket sales from the first four months of the year have been the highest seen since 2019.

April also showed that the average air ticket price was decreasing for the second month this year. The average air ticket cost was also less expensive than it was a year ago ($551 versus $585), though inflation still remains an issue despite last year’s gas shortage problem ending.

In total, air travelers took over 23.5 million flights in April; 14.4 million were trips within the U.S., while another 9.05 million were international flights.

“Monthly sales totals through the first four months of 2023 point to a potentially record-setting year for travel agency air ticket sales,” said Steve Solomon, chief commercial officer at ARC. “Despite slight month-over-month declines in sales and passenger trips, corporate and leisure air ticket purchases continue to outpace 2022 levels and international travel demand remains strong.”

March saw the highest total air ticket sales of the year so far totalling a record-setting $9.7 billion, with just over 25 million travelers heading off on trips both domestically and abroad.
