Around two million passengers used BER Airport in June


Aircraft load factors have risen

Almost two million passengers used Berlin Brandenburg Airport last month, the same number as in May 2022. A total of 1.94 million people took off and landed at BER. This is almost 1.3 million more than in Covid-hit 2021 and around 1.3 million fewer people than in 2019 at Tegel and Schönefeld Airports before the pandemic. A total of 8.7 million passengers travelled via BER Airport in the first half of 2022. In the first half of last year, there were only 1.9 million passengers between January and June.

15,500 aircraft took off and landed at BER last month. This is twice as many as in June 2021 and 10,000 fewer than in June 2019. Aircraft load factor increased by 5 percentage points to 85.4 percent in June compared to the previous month.

A total of 2,400 tonnes of air cargo were handled in June, 200 tonnes more than in the same month last year. It was around 3,000 tonnes in June 2019.
