Art Basel Miami 2018


Every December the international art scene heats up in Miami with the world famous art fair Art Basel. Known as part of the Swiss art fair which takes place every June in Basel, Switzerland. Thousands of artists, gallery owners, art collectors, and celebrities arrive in southern Florida’s most exciting city to view art, people watch, drink cocktails and party till dawn.

If you have never been to an art fair before it’s like any other trade show with booths and products for sale. The products are shipped from galleries all over the world and the products they do bring they hope will guarantee a hefty profit. Prices do vary from the various shows and galleries.

Art Basel has many other compelling and impressive satellite shows happening the same week like Art Miami, Context, Scope, Aqua, and Nada just to name a few. They stretch all the way from neighborhoods such as South Beach to Wynwood. One can immerse themselves in a sea of art from classic to provocative. This year photography has a significant and growing presence. Art Basel and its satellite shows are the place to acquire emerging, cutting-edge modern and contemporary works of art from the 20th and 21st centuries. Here is a small selection from the shows.
