Aruba Airport receives Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3


In Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA)’s vision, goals, and objectives, sustainability is defined as one of the most important strategic pillars of the company. AAA has the ambition to be the most sustainable airport in the region and proudly announces its latest achievement, the Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3.

In 2018, AUA Airport entered Airports Council International’s (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) program, which is the only global, airport-specific carbon management certification program for airports. It provides airports with a common framework and assesses and recognizes the efforts of airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions through 6 levels of certification: ‘Mapping’, ‘Reduction’, ‘Optimisation’, ‘Neutrality’, ‘Transformation’ and ‘Transition’.

By achieving the Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3 – Optimisation, AUA Airport engaged its third parties in carbon footprint management and widened the scope of its carbon footprint to include a range of Scope 3 emissions. Third parties include airlines and various service providers, such as independent ground handlers, catering companies, fueling company, and others working on the airport site. Actions taken to measure, manage and reduce its carbon footprint included data collection, inspections, auditing, and calculations of GHG emissions, amongst other efforts.

“We congratulate Aruba for being the first airport in the Eastern Caribbean to achieve Level 3 “Optimisation” in the Airport Carbon Accreditation program. The management and employees of Queen Beatrix Airport have demonstrated once again their leadership and commitment towards a sustainable aviation industry”, were the words expressed by ACI-LAC’s Director General, Rafael Echevarne.

AAA’s Director Health, Safety and Sustainability, Angeline Flemming, indicated that “this achievement solidifies the efforts and commitment of our staff, airport community, partners, and stakeholders towards making AUA Airport the most sustainable airport in the region. This certification is part of the airport’s long-term strategy, and we hope to encourage other organizations to also embrace sustainable practices in their daily operations and pursue certifications that contribute to a better more sustainable way of doing business.”

Joost Meijs, CEO of AAA stated “as part of our sustainability goals and objectives, we aim to reach certain levels of certifications in the upcoming two years. ACA program provides a unique common framework and tool for airports to properly manage its carbon footprint and guide and support airports though the process of continual improvement and partnership with stakeholders. Reaching Level 3 shows the commitment of our staff and other partners to conduct business with respect to our environment.”
