Athens International Airport : InfluencAIRs


Athens Airport Invites Passengers to Help Define Profile of ‘Today’s Traveler’

Athens International Airport (ATH) is inviting air travelers to join its new group of InfluencAIRs in its aim to discover new travel trends and define the profile of today’s traveler. The members of the influencer group will have a regular communication with Athens International Airport to provide qualitative and quantitative information about their views and habits around travel. Incentives and chances to win prizes, such as free air tickets and accommodation, will be offered to all participants (Greek and foreign residents) of the InfluencAIRs program at all stages of their participation in ATH’s actions.

How to become an InfluencAIR : The group of influencers will be created by invitation posted on Athens International Airport social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and through its official website ( ATH’s Research & Intelligence team will collect applicants and select those qualified to form the InfluencAIRs group. The selection of influencers will be based on demographic data so that the group of InfluencAIRs is representative of the general population.

Process : ATH will contact the selected InfluencAIRs approximately 1-2 times per quarter through the next 12 months, aiming to collect qualitative and quantitative information on their views and habits with regard to travel and in relation to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Communication will be made mainly electronically (by email) or by telephone in case of any special need.
