Autio announces audio content partnership with JetBlue


Autio announces audio entertainment partnership with JetBlue

Mobile audio entertainment app Autio, which was co-founded by actor Kevin Costner, has announced a partnership with JetBlue.

The agreement gives the carrier’s customers access to unique audio content for 29 of JetBlue’s destination cities in the US via their AVANT seatback screens. Autio offers a library of 10,000+ stories across the US with narrations by household names such as Kevin Costner, John Lithgow, Phil Jackson and more.

Autio says that, while many users listen to the stories on road trips, many more are using the app on planes, during walks, and even travelling virtually from home. Woody Sears, CEO and Co-Founder at Autio commented: “We’re excited to partner with JetBlue and take Autio to new heights with our first in-flight integration. JetBlue is one of the most respected airlines and their customers are going to love hearing 250+ entertaining stories about their destinations.”

Academy Award-winning actor, director and filmmaker Kevin Costner signed on to join Autio as a Co-Founder in August 2020 to introduce invigorating and bountiful stories about the untouched history of the United States. Spearheading innovation in the traveltech platform, Costner plays a key role in expanding the app’s novel content.

He commented: “In joining Autio my primary goal was to shine a light on the history and stories of our nation starting with the creation of the United States and indigenous people. Our passion for creating artful narratives about the personal history of our country will continue to be one of our company’s pillars. Autio signifies our continued focus to spark interesting conversation through short anecdotes for listeners on any type of journey.”

Regarding how the app works, Autio users need to download the app from the App Store and sign up for an account. They can then can access the curated audio story collection once signed in. Guest accounts come with five free stories, while paid accounts at $36/year feature unlimited access. When the app users enable location access, they are able to explore nearby stories.
