Aviation Industry Calling for Reopening of US-UK Travel Market


A group of aviation industry companies and organizations is calling on government officials to reopen the United States and Europe air travel market “as soon as safely possible.”

According to Reuters.com, airline, union, business and airport groups sent a letter Monday to U.S. President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on the pair to reopen the Transatlantic air corridor to non-essential travelers.

Groups that signed the letter include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Airlines for America, Global Business Travel Association, Air Line Pilots Association, Virgin Atlantic, Association of UK Airlines, Aerospace Industries Association and others.

Biden and Johnson are scheduled to meet in early June, which the aviation industry representatives believe would be the perfect time to announce the “full reopening of the U.S.-UK air travel market for both U.S. and UK citizens.”

The U.S. banned nearly all non-citizens arriving from the UK in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The return of Transatlantic flying would not only have a significantly positive impact on our respective economies but will also reunite those who have been separated from their loved ones for over a year,” the letter read. “Safely reopening borders between the U.S. and UK is essential for both countries’ economic recovery from COVID-19.”

The European Union unveiled its plans for the return of foreign visitors on Monday, saying international arrivals will be able to visit the EU two weeks after they have received the last dose of an approved vaccine.

Discussions on the exact plans for the reopening of borders to non-essential travelers began on Tuesday.
