Aviation Industry Calling on Governments to Reopen Borders


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) revealed it is working with governments around the world to reopen borders and provide airlines with the relief needed during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

IATA officials claim closed borders, travel restrictions and quarantines continue to impact travel demand. The group pointed to a disappointing summer travel season, where four out of every five potential tourists stayed home.

A recent study by the IATA found the total air traffic for July was 79.8 percent below 2019 levels and international travel in July was 91.9 percent below the previous year. The IATA is urging governments to focus their attention on key issues, such as reopening borders, continuing relief measures and improving global leadership.

“Protecting their citizens must be the top priority of governments, but too many governments are fighting a global pandemic in isolation with a view that closing borders is the only solution,” IATA CEO Alexandre de Juniac said. “It’s time for governments to work together to implement measures that will enable economic and social life to resume, while controlling the spread of the virus.”

To safely reopen borders, the IATA has proposed a three-point action plan for governments to follow, which includes implementing the ICAO take-off guidance universally, developing a common framework to coordinate the return of flights and the incorporating COVID-19 testing measures approved by public health authorities.

In addition, the IATA is urging governments to focus on financial and regulatory relief. The group also said global protocols for safely restarting aviation are agreed and no industry is as experienced in successfully implementing global safety programs as aviation.
