Avinor lost 6 out of 10 passengers in 2020


A total of 20 million passengers traveled through Avinor airports in 2020. This is a decrease of 63 percent compared to 2019.

The largest decline was at Oslo Airport, which had only 9 million passengers, compared with 28.6 million in 2019.

– The corona pandemic has hit aviation hard, and the decline in traffic figures for 2020 is a direct consequence of this, says CEO of Avinor, Dag Falk-Petersen.

The number of aircraft movements does not decrease as much compared to last year. Here, the decline is 33 percent. This is partly due to the fact that the state has purchased a large number of routes to ensure that transport capacity is available throughout Norway.

Flights to and from the offshore installations have also proceeded almost as normal, in addition to the cargo capacity for Norwegian seafood having been maintained through the pandemic. The disappearance of intercontinental passenger routes with cargo has been replaced by several dedicated cargo planes from Oslo Airport.

– The decline in the freight market is only minimal, which is unique among European airports in 2020, says Falk-Petersen. It is also very gratifying that we have been able to contribute with the transport of 12,000 cubic meters of infection control equipment into Norway. This corresponds to 200 semi-trailers with equipment.

Norwegian aviation has, despite very demanding times, provided services that have ensured the necessary transport needs. The state has made large direct and indirect contributions to make this possible.

In the last month of the year, passenger traffic decreased by 70 per cent compared with December last year.
