Azerbaijan Airlines Chooses Cessna Skyhawk Flight Simulator for Training


Azerbaijan Airlines has selected Nantes-based simulator manufacturer ALSIM and its ALSIM Al172 simulator for its training needs.

The ALSIM AL172 is a replica of the Cessna 172SP Skyhawk and features a real Garmin G1000 NXI and GFC700 autopilot.

The new simulator will be installed at the National Aviation Academy in Baku, where the AZAL Training Centre is based. It will join the three other fixed-wing full-flight simulators, including the Airbus A319/320, Boeing 757/767, and ATR 42/72.

The AL172 simulator will be used for basic pilot training and for developing a pilot’s skills for more complex flight tasks.

Ilham Amirov, Vice-President of Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC, commented: “The national flag carrier of Azerbaijan, by purchasing the AL172 flight simulator manufactured by ALSIM, will improve the quality of training of AZAL pilots and the effectiveness of their training.”

Audrey Jeffroy, ALSIM’s Sales Director, added: “We are very proud to welcome Azerbaijan Airlines among our customers. We hope this is the beginning of a successful cooperation between Azerbaijan Airlines and ALSIM.”
