Biden Bans Russian Aircraft From US Airspace


U.S. President Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden on Tuesday night announced in his State of the Union Address that he will ban Russian aircraft from flying over United States airspace, adding to the sanctions against Russia for invading neighboring Ukraine.

The U.S. will join 36 other countries, including Canada and the 28 nations in the European Union, furthering a stranglehold on Russia’s ability to conduct business and commerce.

“Tonight, I am announcing that we will join our allies in closing off American airspace to all Russian flights, further isolating Russia and adding an additional squeeze on their economy,” Biden said.

Then, seemingly addressing Russia and President Vladimir Putin directly, Biden said, “You have no idea what’s coming.”

Russia would have to consider whether it will reciprocate and ban U.S.-based planes from flying over its airspace, which has been a traditional east-west route for flights traveling to Asia. The natural reaction would be ‘yes,’ but as Time Magazine pointed out, Russia apparently earns quite a bit of revenue from allowing U.S. planes to fly over its airspace or land at its airports.

Still, Biden’s decision means more issues for the aviation industry, including increased fuel costs, route changes, delays and cancellations, and the possible need to stop en route for a layover and/or to refuel – not to mention the additional disruption of the global supply chain.

Biden clearly was aware of the potential when he also said during his address, “I want you to know, we’re going to be OK. We’re going to be OK.”

Both commercial and cargo flights would be affected by not being able to travel through Russian airspace, although FedEx and UPS announced days ago they were suspending deliveries to Russia. The goal of formal sanctions – as well as private business decisions by companies such as FedEx and UPS, or bars and liquor stores refusing to serve Russian-made liquor – is to strangle Russia’s economy.

“Throughout our history we’ve learned this lesson — when dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos,” Biden said. “They keep moving, and the costs and threats to America and the world keep rising.”
