Bipartisan Farm to Fly Act Aims to Boost Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production


Aviation maintenance technician loads sustainable aviation fuel into the 2021 Boeing ecoDemonstrator. (Boeing photo)

Rep. Max Miller, a Republican from Ohio, has joined forces with a bipartisan group of House members to introduce the Farm to Fly Act. This legislation is designed to open up new markets for American agricultural products while simultaneously promoting the growth of sustainable aviation fuel production within the United States.

Airlines for America, a leading industry organization representing major U.S. airlines, has expressed its support for the Farm to Fly Act. The organization highlighted that enhancing the production of cost-competitive sustainable aviation fuels is a top priority for its member carriers. The provisions outlined in this bill are expected to facilitate an increase in sustainable aviation fuel production, fostering a collaborative partnership between the aviation industry and the agricultural sector.

By forging this connection, the Farm to Fly Act aims to create a win-win scenario: boosting demand for American agricultural products and advancing the domestic production of sustainable aviation fuels. This initiative aligns with broader sustainability goals and demonstrates bipartisan support for measures that benefit both the environment and the economy.

The introduction of this legislation signals a significant step toward reducing the aviation industry’s carbon footprint and supporting the growth of sustainable practices within agriculture and aviation.
