Boeing and ASTRO America Revolutionize Apache Helicopter Manufacturing with 3D Printing


Boeing, in partnership with ASTRO America, has embarked on a transformative journey to integrate 3D printing into the manufacturing of the Apache helicopter’s main rotor system. This pivotal component is responsible for both the helicopter’s lift and thrust. The advanced 3D printing technology will utilize a robust and lightweight 6000 series aluminum alloy to construct the rotor system.

The most groundbreaking feature of this innovative process is the substantial reduction in production time. The 3D printing machine is projected to produce the rotor system in a mere eight hours. This is in stark contrast to the conventional manufacturing methods, which have a lead time of an entire year as reported by 3D Natives.

This swift manufacturing process is not just about speed; it also promises enhancements in the efficiency and reliability of the helicopter’s supply chain and maintenance operations. Such advancements have profound implications for defense readiness and agility, given the Apache’s critical role in military operations according to Defense News.

Both Boeing and ASTRO America are setting their sights on April 2024 for testing the 3D-printed rotor system. These tests aim to juxtapose its performance against parts produced via traditional methods, ensuring that innovation does not compromise on quality or safety highlighted by 3D Print.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,,
