Boeing Forecasts Demand for 2.3 Million More Workers in Aviation Industry by 2042


Boeing on Tuesday said the aviation industry will need 2.3 million more workers in the next 20 years to support growth in air travel. The company’s 2023 Pilot and Technician Outlook (PTO) projects that commercial carriers will need significant personnel through 2042 to support the global commercial fleet.

According to the PTO, the industry will require 649,000 new pilots, 690,000 new maintenance technicians, and 938,000 new cabin crew members over the next two decades. The demand for new personnel is driven by the expected doubling of the global commercial airplane fleet by 2042, as well as the recovery of air travel demand from the pandemic.

The PTO also provides regional breakdowns of the demand for new personnel. China, Eurasia and North America account for more than half of the global demand, with China surpassing North America as the largest market. The fastest-growing regions are Africa, Southeast Asia and South Asia, where demand is expected to nearly double.

The PTO outlines various aspects of AAM integration, such as aircraft and pilot certification, airspace access and management, infrastructure development, security, and community engagement. The PTO also includes a planning guide that can be applied to any site, laying out key integration objectives and sequences.

Boeing said the PTO will serve as a foundation for making entry into service routine and predictable by maximizing the use of existing procedures and infrastructure. The company also said it is collaborating closely with stakeholders, including other federal agencies, state and local governments, industry partners, labor groups, and NASA.

Sources: AirGuide Business,
