Boeing to represent aviation in global sustainability alliance


Boeing HQ logo at night

Boeing says it will represent the aviation sector in an alliance established by the US Government and World Economic Forum to accelerate clean technologies and reduce carbon emissions.

As part of its role, Boeing commits to advancing low-carbon technologies and supporting greater commercialisation of sustainable aviation fuels. The aircraft manufacturer says scaling up sustainable solutions is critical to the aviation sector’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050 and the broader goal of holding global temperatures to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.

The coalition, FMC, was created in late 2021 to leverage the purchasing power of major companies to speed up the pace of decarbonizing industrial sectors such as shipping, chemicals and trucking. Boeing, a founding member of the coalition, will serve as the ‘champion’ for the aviation sector.

“We can only maintain the critical climate pathway of 1.5ºC if we jumpstart the market for disruptive zero-carbon technologies and make them as economically competitive as existing carbon-intensive solutions,” said Nancy Gillis, Head of the FMC. “I congratulate Boeing for its new championship role and look forward to working together on driving the need for and accelerating the use of these emerging technologies.”

Boeing will leverage current technologies and increase industry partnerships in expanding sustainable aviation fuel supplies, while shaping strategies for developing new solutions.

“We are honoured to serve as ‘champion’ for our sector and committed to partnering with FMC members and others on scaling SAF and accelerating low-carbon technologies to decarbonize aviation,” said Brian Moran, Boeing Vice President of Global Sustainability Policy & Partnerships.
