Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 Demonstrator Advances with Successful Second Test Flight at Mojave


Boom Supersonic has marked a significant milestone with the successful completion of the second test flight of its XB-1 demonstrator, affectionately known as “Baby Boom,” at the Mojave Air & Space Port. This achievement keeps the company on schedule with its ambitious plans to conduct a supersonic flight test by the end of the year.

On August 26th, the XB-1 took to the skies for a 15-minute flight, reaching altitudes of 10,400 feet and speeds of 232 knots (277 mph). This test flight was notably piloted by Boom Supersonic’s Chief Test Pilot, Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg, who flew the XB-1 for the first time and will continue to lead the aircraft’s testing program.

Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom Supersonic, expressed satisfaction with the test outcomes, stating, “XB-1 had a fantastic second flight this morning. Initial results indicate we’ve successfully resolved the findings from Flight One and are excited to continue flight testing on the path to supersonic flight.” This flight was crucial as it included the first successful retraction and extension of the landing gear, a test of the aircraft’s handling qualities, and the activation of a newly implemented digital stability augmentation system (SAS), or roll damper.

The enhancements and corrections from the first flight in March have proved effective, with no major issues reported during this latest flight. The company is now looking forward to advancing towards the XB-1’s first supersonic test flight scheduled for later this year. However, Scholl noted that approximately ten more flights are anticipated to be necessary before reaching supersonic speeds.

The company is optimistic about the upcoming tests, aiming for the third test flight to occur within the next month. Future flights are expected to expand the flight envelope further, including comprehensive in-flight system checks and an evaluation of the aircraft’s flutter excitation system.

Boom Supersonic’s progress is crucial as it spearheads the revival of supersonic travel in commercial aviation. The company has already attracted significant interest from major global airlines, securing agreements with American Airlines, Japan Airlines, and United Airlines. American Airlines has committed to 20 airframes with an option for 40 more, while United Airlines has plans for 15 aircraft with an additional 35 options.

As Boom Supersonic continues to develop and test the XB-1, the aviation industry watches closely, anticipating the return of faster-than-sound commercial flights that could revolutionize air travel.

Sources: AirGuide Business
