Business Travel Readiness Rises As Vaccinations Climb


Business travelers are eager to get back to traveling, according to Travel Again’s May Traveler Confidence Index.

Around 42 percent of business travelers are ready to travel, up from 20 percent in April. Just under 75 percent of respondents are willing to travel for business domestically within the next 90 days, up from 55 percent in April. For international travel, just under half said they’d be willing to travel internationally within the next six months.

However, only 22 percent of business travelers said they had plans to travel for business, citing a hesitancy among employers or a preference among companies to replace a lot of what used to be considered essential business travel with virtual meetings.

“With vaccinations on the rise and restrictions being eased throughout the country, there is a sense that a return to normalcy is finally coming,” said Travel Again Co-Founder Mike McCormick. “The data from our latest Traveler Confidence Index shows buoyed confidence among both business and leisure travelers. It is more important than ever that industry and government collaborate on universal standards and clear guidance for resuming safe and responsible travel to keep this trend moving in the right direction.”

Furthermore, the number of respondents who had received vaccinations surpassed 75 percent for the first time. According to the pool, limiting crowd sizes and vaccinations were the most important elements to building confidence among business travelers.

Travel Again works to analyze and solve the issue of traveler confidence throughout the pandemic. It recently released a travel guide to help travelers clearly know what situations in which they are required to don their masks and assess risk levels for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

For more information, please visit Travel Again.
