CAPA Live: Ethiopian Airlines cash positive. 50 flights/week to China


African airlines were grounded for the period from Mar- to Sep-2020, and with no aid forthcoming it has been difficult for many airlines. As a result “the African airline industry has been severely damaged”.

Ethiopian Airlines could see that there was an opportunity with cargo demand and made a quick decision to build up capacity. That has helped the airline manage its cash flow without any bailout money or borrowing, and without any lay-offs or any salary reduction.

The airline is operating to China with 50 widebody flights a week on average, plus operations to and via Europe with PPE and other medical supplies.

In the absence of meaningful partnerships Ethiopian has been trying to establish hubs in West Africa, Malawi and Chad, as well as with Zambia. They have also established an airline in Mozambique.

Talking at the CAPA Live on 10-Feb-2021, Ethiopian Airlines’ Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam spoke with CAPA’s chairman emeritus Peter Harbison.
