CDB Aviation delivers seven 737 MAX aircraft to GOL


Boeing 737 MAX 8

China Development Bank Financial Leasing Company’s Irish subsidiary CDB Aviation has announced it has delivered seven Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft to Brazil’s largest domestic airline GOL.

The 186-seat aircraft were delivered from the lessor’s order book with Boeing as part of the lease agreements it signed with GOL in 2020.

Luís da Silva, CDB Aviation’s Head of Commercial Americas, said: “Our teams worked side by side to execute leases and deliver all these aircraft in very adverse conditions throughout the pandemic. GOL is a great customer that has all our trust.

“The 737 MAX is expected to transform GOL’s fleet, providing significant efficiency gains, while supporting deeper penetration into existing markets and new opportunities for expansion.”

Celso Ferrer, GOL’s COO, said the delivery of these aircraft marks a milestone in the carrier’s history, with its MAX fleet now totalling 24 aircraft.

“This accelerated fleet transformation plan ensures we can serve our customers better, with more comfort and environmental responsibility,” he said. “The MAX being a key component in the company’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, as this aircraft consumes 15% less fuel, produces 16% fewer carbon emissions, and 40% less noise, and has a greater flight range than the next generation aircraft.”
