Celebrity Cruises Launches Its Largest-Ever Advertising Campaign


Celebrity Cruises new ad campaign

Celebrity Cruises has launched a multi-million-dollar global advertising campaign with the tagline, “Journey Safe, Journey Wonderfull.”

The campaign’s television spot opens by posing the question, “How many precious moments have we missed?” Set to a remix of Louis Armstrong’s ballad, “What a Wonderful World,” the spot is designed to entice viewers to return to experiencing travel and life.

The spot also points out the new safety considerations, such as requiring all crew and guests to be fully vaccinated in order to board a Celebrity ship.

“It took enduring a pandemic, where we were literally cut off from each other and the world, to recognize how powerful and meaningful travel is in our lives,” said Celebrity President and CEO Lisa Lutoff-Perlo. “It’s not just a vacation. Travel is a journey – where our hearts and minds are filled with new people, new experiences, new realizations about ourselves and the world around us. And, as the first cruise line back in service in North America, we saw an opportunity to not just re-emerge, but reframe the Celebrity Cruise experience through this lens.”

“Our new advertising campaign poses a question, ‘isn’t it time?’ And with the time and care we have put into our new health and safety measures, we think it is,” she continued. “It is time to see the world and each other, again, on one of the safest vacations possible.”

The campaign soft-launched last week targeting U.S. Open tennis fans. Online placements begin today, Sept. 9, that will be complemented by print and TV. A 60-second version of the television commercial will premiere tonight during primetime NFL Football.

“When you choose Celebrity Cruises, you’re choosing the best of everything: it’s a luxury hotel, it’s Michelin-quality dining, it’s a luxury spa retreat, it’s seeing all four corners of the world and meeting different people from different cultures,” said Michael Scheiner, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Celebrity. “This campaign tears up every cliché and stereotype that exists about cruising, and this is just the beginning of this type of work.”

Scheiner also said the campaign is in part “an allegorical tale of equality and diversity. We wanted the audience to, yes, marvel at the rich fullness of a Celebrity cruise, but we also wanted to draw attention to the diversity of people who travel with us and who you meet on your journey. It’s why we include someone using a wheelchair, as one example. I think we as an industry need to do more to celebrate and accurately represent in our advertising everyone who travels.”
