Charlotte Plans to Construct $8 Million Park Catering to Plane Spotters


Charlotte, N.C., is getting ready to welcome a new attraction for aviation enthusiasts and families alike: a park that offers a panoramic view of the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.

The park, which will cost $8 million and cover 24 acres, is expected to open in 2024. It will replace a popular plane-watching site that was closed in 2019 when the airport needed more space for its expansion project.

The new park will feature playgrounds, food truck space, picnic areas and a 50-foot-tall hill that will provide an unobstructed view of the airport’s runways and terminals. Visitors will be able to see planes take off and land, as well as enjoy the skyline of uptown Charlotte.

The park is part of the city’s efforts to enhance the quality of life and economic development in the west side of Charlotte, where the airport is located. The city hopes that the park will attract tourists, residents and businesses to the area, as well as provide educational opportunities for children and adults.

The park will also showcase the airport’s history and role in the region, with exhibits and signage that highlight its achievements and milestones. The airport, which opened in 1935, is one of the busiest in the nation, serving more than 50 million passengers a year.

The city plans to start construction on the park in late 2023, after completing the design and permitting process. The park will be funded by the city’s hospitality tax revenue, which is generated by hotel and restaurant sales.

Sources: AirGuide Business,
