Chile No Longer Requires Masks in Airplanes and Airports


Passport, mask, CDC, vaccination, card, records, proof, COVID-19, vaccines, boosters

Having been one of the most demanding countries in terms of security measures during the Covid-19 pandemic, Chile has decided to end the obligation to wear masks in public and enclosed environments such as airports and airplanes.

Juan Carlos Muñoz, Chile’s Minister of Transport, announced that this measure, which takes effect in October, allows Chilean airlines passengers to travel without a mask because the ventilation systems allow the renewal of air to cabins every three minutes and have special HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, designed to permanently clean the air.

Other measures taken by the authorities of the South American country are not to require mobility passes, after high vaccination rates. In the case of the country’s borders, the authorities determined that entry into Chile will require only the full vaccination schedule, or a negative PCR test, 48 hours before travel for non-resident passengers. On arrival, a random test will be carried out which must not exceed 5 percent of travelers.

The Deputy Secretary of Tourism, Verónica Kunze, said that these measures will accelerate the flow of passengers from Santiago airport, which expects a significant influx of international travelers to Chile, and explained that this will strongly support the country’s tourism industry. In Chile, the permanent indications of aeronautical personnel generated annoyance for passengers and affected the travel experience, which is why the government authorities decided to establish these measures.

It should be noted that HEPA filters installed in aircraft ventilation, recycle air in the cabin and eliminate 99.99 percent of germs including bacteria and viruses with particles ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 microns.
