Choosing a specialty


This week, we continue with why you chose your specialties. Several respondents noted that they saw a void and decided to fill it.

Sheryl Weinberger of Florida began her company 14 years ago after finding there was a lack of companies to meet her needs as a single traveler.

California-based Sharon Wall chose not to specialize as she lives in a small town. “Our storefront agency is celebrating 40 years this year. We are located in a small community of 20,000, so they need everything, so we sell the world.”

Jean Warneke of Texas focuses on sustainable travel. “It is one of the few equitable forms of travel. Our small group tours offer the traveler a chance to meet local people and have a positive social, environmental and economic impact on the place they visit.”

You have been overwhelming in your responses, so we will follow up with more of them in the coming weeks. If you would like to have your say, email Katie Parks with your responses.
