CLIA Cruise Lines Suspend Operations Through Oct. 31


Unless the spread of COVID-19 is miraculously halted quickly, there won’t be any ocean cruising from U.S. ports until at least Oct. 31.

The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) announced Aug. 5 that its ocean-going cruise line members have agreed to voluntarily suspend U.S. cruise operations until at least Oct. 31, 2020.

“Despite the valuable alignment between CLIA’s previous voluntary suspension to Sept. 15 and the CDC’s current no-sail order date of Sept. 30, we believe it is prudent at this time to voluntarily extend the suspension of U.S. ocean-going cruise operations to Oct. 31,” CLIA said in a statement. “This is a difficult decision as we recognize the crushing impact that this pandemic has had on our community and every other industry. However, we believe this proactive action further demonstrates the cruise industry’s commitment to public health and willingness to voluntarily suspend operations in the interest of public health and safety, as has occurred twice prior.

“CLIA cruise line members will continue to monitor the situation with the understanding that we will revisit a possible further extension on or before Sept. 30, 2020. At the same time, should conditions in the U.S. change and it becomes possible to consider short, modified sailings, we would consider an earlier restart.”

CLIA said every day of cruise suspension results in a loss of up to $110 million in economic activity and 800 direct and indirect American jobs, according to its most recent Economic Impact Study.

Cruise activity in the U.S. supports 421,000 American jobs and generates $53 billion annually in economic activity throughout the country.

The impact of the suspension is particularly profound in states that depend heavily on cruise tourism, including Florida, Texas, Alaska, Washington, New York and California.

For more information, visit CLIA’s COVID-19 page here.
