CLIA Responds to CDC’s No-Sail Order


The day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) extended a no-sail order, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) defended the industry’s reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic and its contributions to the U.S. economy.

“While it’s easy to focus on cruising because of its high profile, the fact is cruising is neither the source or cause of the virus or its spread,” CLIA said in a statement. “What is different about the cruise industry is the very stringent reporting requirements applicable to vessels that do not apply to comparable venues on land where the spread of communicable disease is just as prevalent. It would be a false assumption to connect higher frequency and visibility in reporting to a higher frequency of infection.”

The CDC on April 9 extended its no-sail order for all cruise ships for 100 days or until the Covid-19 pandemic is deemed over.

CLIA said the cruise industry has taken responsibility for protecting public health for more than 50 years, working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as the World Health Organization and others.

“To this end, in March and April the industry submitted proposals to the White House Coronavirus Task Force that are far reaching in prevention, detection, and care — and, importantly, would be led and funded by the industry,” the CLIA statement said.

It continued: “We are, however, concerned about the unintended consequences the no-sail order issued on April 9 has in singling out the cruise industry, which has been proactive in its escalation of health and sanitation protocols and was one of the first industries to announce a voluntary suspension of operations.”

The suspension of cruise operations is having a ripple effect on the U.S. economy, including transportation, food and beverage, lodging, manufacturing, agriculture, travel agencies and travel agents, plus a broad range of supply chain industries and small businesses.

“Should the suspension of sailing extend well beyond the appropriate time to resume business, the economic impact could be significant given each day of the suspension results in a total economic impact loss of about $92 million and the loss of more than 300 direct and 620 total American jobs,” CLIA said. “Over time the pace of the losses will increase and could result in a total economic impact loss to the United States of $51 billion and 173,000 direct and 343,000 total American jobs if the order were to remain in effect for a year.”
