Costa Rica Unveils Program to Promote Gender Equality


The Costa Rica Tourism Board has partnered with the National Women’s Institute and National Commission for Tourism Security to unveil the SOFIA Network, which focuses on “promoting gender equality in the Costa Rican tourism industry, preventing violence against women and creating safer environments for female solo travelers,” tourism officials said.

The free program enables tourism-related companies, including travel agencies, to participate in a course designed to raise awareness about women’s issues, and thereby earning the SOFIA Network seal.

Nearly 16 percent of non-resident arrivals to Costa Rica are solo women travelers, according to data from the Costa Rica Tourism Board.

The program “seeks gender equality to build a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable environment in a world where women are more independent and enjoy traveling alone,” said Costa Rican Minister of Tourism Gustavo J. Segura.

Once trained, individuals from companies participating in the program will become program promoters.

“This network was designed to unite people, businesses and tourists who share the values of gender equality, tourism safety and sustainability,” tourism officials said. “Its mission is to build a destination where tourists feel able to have a more peaceful experience, well-being and above all – fully enjoy their trip.”
