Couple Banned from Cathay Pacific After In-Flight Seat Reclining Incident


A couple has been banned from flying with Cathay Pacific following a heated argument with another passenger over a reclined seat during a long-haul flight on September 17. The Hong Kong-based airline took this action after video footage of the altercation surfaced on Xiaohongshu, a popular social media platform often referred to as China’s Instagram.

The video, shared widely on Xiaohongshu, depicts the couple engaging in aggressive behavior, including taunting and using vulgar hand gestures towards a female passenger who had reclined her seat during the 14-hour flight from Hong Kong to London. Cathay Pacific issued a statement on social media, confirming the ban and expressing regret for the incident.

In the statement, Cathay Pacific emphasized its “zero-tolerance policy” against behavior that violates safety regulations or disrespects other passengers. The airline stated, “We sincerely apologize for the incident,” highlighting its commitment to maintaining a respectful flying environment.

The woman involved in the dispute recounted her experience in the video, explaining that she faced harassment after refusing to return her seat to an upright position. Despite her calls for assistance from flight attendants, she claimed that they suggested she compromise, which she rejected. The situation escalated, with the couple reportedly kicking and pushing her seat, leading to her eventual relocation to another seat.

According to Cathay Pacific, the crew issued two “serious” verbal warnings to the disruptive couple, but their behavior continued to escalate, prompting nearby passengers to intervene. Comments from fellow travelers captured on the video included pleas for decency and accusations of bullying.

The couple’s behavior drew condemnation online, but many users from mainland China criticized Cathay Pacific for its initial response, claiming that the airline was not friendly toward mainland travelers. This incident resonated with past controversies, including a scandal last year when three flight attendants were dismissed for mocking a non-English-speaking passenger.

The ongoing tensions between mainland China and Hong Kong were further highlighted by this incident, with many social media users alleging discrimination while traveling in the city. The cultural and linguistic differences between Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong locals and Mandarin-speaking mainland visitors continue to fuel division.

In-flight etiquette, particularly regarding seat reclining, has become a contentious topic among travelers. With shrinking seat pitches and growing passenger sizes, conflicts over personal space, including seat reclining, have intensified. While some passengers argue that seats are designed to recline, others view the act as inconsiderate, especially in economy class.

As air travel continues to evolve, the etiquette surrounding seat reclining remains a matter of debate. Factors such as flight duration, timing, and whether the seat behind can recline play significant roles in determining acceptable behavior. Ultimately, the divide over this seemingly simple action reflects broader tensions in air travel culture and passenger interactions.

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Sources: AirGuide Business,,, Cathay Pacific
