Cranfield University and Inmarsat report shines a light on future of aviation


Cranfield University and Inmarsat report unveils innovations to revolutionise aviation

Cranfield University and Inmarsat have published a new report highlighting the critical role of digital connectivity in accelerating aviation’s long-term recovery.

The report, titled “Why the future of aviation starts with connectivity”, offers insights and direction for key aviation stakeholders and governments as they reconsider their priorities for the industry’s future. This will be fuelled by the substantial shift in passenger behaviour and expectations following the pandemic in addition to increased consumer awareness of their impact on the climate.

Experts from Cranfield University developed a Digital Connectivity Timeline as part of the research. The timeline outlines when 21 of the industry’s most critical technological innovations can be expected to reach adoption and focuses on three distinct timeframes: five years (technologies at advanced stages of development and in some cases are being piloted by organisations ahead of market adoption), between five to ten years (technologies under early development with potential to be trialled in some sectors), and beyond the next decade (concepts under consideration for product or service offering development).

Philippe Carette, President of Inmarsat Aviation, said: “Our new report with Cranfield University has considered how the role of digital connectivity, in all its forms, can enable and accelerate meeting the rapidly changing needs of air travellers and of the aviation sector itself.

“It has identified specific challenges and opportunities that, if addressed, will have a direct beneficial effect on the sector’s resilience, its contribution to reducing climate change, and to new customer service offerings that will enhance passengers’ willingness to travel in the post-pandemic world.

“Harnessing the technological innovations explored in this report will be nothing short of revolutionary for our industry, and at Inmarsat we can’t wait to play our part in bringing them to life through our global connectivity and world-leading ORCHESTRA network of networks.”

Professor Karen Holford, Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield University, said: “While this is a time of great challenge for the aviation industry, reports such as this one show the path that technology can put us on towards a brighter and more sustainable future. ‘Digital aviation’ and the foundation of connectivity needs to stop being just a concept of tomorrow and become the reality of today. This report sets out the many technological possibilities and what can be achieved in the short to medium term. What is needed now is for us all to redouble our efforts to make them a reality.”

The full report, executive summary and digital connectivity timeline are available here.
