Curaçao International Airport earns ACI recognition for ‘the Voice of the Customer’ for the 2nd consecutive year


Willemstad, February 10, 2022 – Curaçao International Airport is proud to share that for the second year in a row it has received the prestigious recognition by the Airports Council International (ACI) in its World’s ‘The Voice of the Customer’ initiative.

This recognition was earned for the continuous efforts and focus on customer satisfaction through gathering of data reflecting the customer’s needs and expectations when making use of the airport’s facilities.

“For us it is not only about listening to our customers’ feedback, but also making use of this valuable information to enhance their experience “, said Mr. Norman Gómez, Managing Director of CAP.

Curaçao Airport Partners (CAP) and the entire airport community feel very proud of this award which adds to a list of important recognitions for our airport as it continues to work on growing and becoming the number one airport of our region!

As globally, airports continued to face challenging times, CAP was dedicated to keeping passengers, employees, and visitors of the Curaçao International Airport well informed and safe at all times while also gathering their feedback and providing this through ACI’s Airport Service Quality program.

“We share our joy for this recognition with the community of Curaçao as we see this as yet another success moment for our island as a whole. CAP is committed to enhance our customer experience and the development and growth of our airport — the place where you allow us to be part of many important moments of your lives”, Mr. Gómez ended.
