Cvent Taps Former Military Vendor for Mtg. Health Pass Tech


Meetings technology provider Cvent has partnered with multifactor identity authenticator to create and offer Cvent Health Check as a privacy-oriented health pass for meetings and events.

Cvent Health Check allows event hosts to confirm attendee proof-of-vaccination, testing status, or health screening with HIPAA-compliant encryption so no event planners, organizers—or any third parties—can store, access or distribute it, according to the companes. A digital ID stored in the individual’s personal mobile device carries the information, ensures attendees meet the event’s health criteria and streamlines the check-in process.

Formerly a military vendor named TroopSwap and Troop ID, now markets its secure digital identity network to individuals.

Covid-19’s omicron variant, discovered on Nov. 24, is present in 106 countries, according to the World Health Organization. The variant’s rapid global surge has led some companies—including Amazon, Meta (Facebook) and Twitter, all of which recently pulled their participation in CES—to rethink their event participation and the meetings industry to brace for yet more disruption.

Terri Hardin
