CWT Responsible Business Report Finds Continued Momentum


CWT is continuing its commitment to sustainability and responsible travel by its ongoing dedication to equitable programs and policies.

Its newly created Employee Wellbeing, Climate Impact and Organizational Performance or ECO is a framework that helps companies look beyond compliance and cost management and build more balanced travel programs.

CWT has been recognized for its efforts by EcoVadis, an independent corporate social responsibility (CSR) rating agency, which awarded the company Platinum status.

“We launched our Responsible Business (RB) strategy several years ago to create long-term value for all our stakeholders,” said Françoise Grumberg, vice president, global responsible business and diversity and Inclusion.

“Having a clear strategy, supported by dedicated commitments across our seven Responsible Business domains, has helped guide our approach, focus our efforts and deliver consistently in what we set out to achieve. Ensuring that we align to key global standards such as the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has also been a major enabler to becoming one of the best RB performing companies in our industry at a global level.”

In CWT’s eighth annual Responsible Business Report, the company has found sustained momentum and continued recognition for these efforts.

“Maintaining our leadership position takes commitment and hard work from our colleagues across the globe,” said CWT president and CEO, Kurt Ekert. “We are deadly serious in our intent and I am delighted to see that we continue to push the envelope.”

The report covers CWT’s main 2019 achievements in its seven Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) areas: Ethics & Business Behavior; Human Resources and Human Rights; Environment; Responsible Products and Services; Community Involvement and Responsible Business Strategy and Governance.

CWT’s strategy focuses on several areas important to its stakeholders. These include the following issues:

—Campaigning against human trafficking

—Organizing responsible and carbon-neutral internal meetings

—Reinforcing diversity & inclusion programs

—Increasing training levels for our code of conduct, non-discrimination & unconscious bias

—Engaging with multiple global and local community projects

—Restating UN Women’s Empowerment principles commitment

—Reinforcing CWT’s responsible purchasing program
