Debunking the Myth: Is Tuesday Still the Best Day to Book Flights?

The traditional belief that Tuesday is the best day to book flights for the best deals is being challenged by recent data from leading travel platforms such as Expedia, Hopper, and Google Flights. With airfare costs soaring—up 29% from 2021 at major U.S. airports—travelers are keenly interested in strategies for saving on their travel expenses.

Current Insights on Booking Days

Recent analyses by Hopper and Google Flights suggest that the savings from booking on a specific weekday are minimal. Their data, tracking trends as recently as June 2024, shows that tickets purchased on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays are only about 1.9% cheaper than those bought on weekends over the past six years.

Contrary to the old advice, Expedia’s 2024 Air Travel Hacks report recommends booking flights on Sundays rather than Tuesdays. According to Christie Hudson, an Expedia travel expert, travelers booking on Sundays saved an average of 13% compared to Friday, the most expensive day to book. These findings are based on extensive data from the Airlines Reporting Corporation and OAG.

Factors More Influential Than Booking Day

While the day of booking once held significant sway over ticket prices, other factors now play a more pivotal role in determining airfare costs. According to Hayley Berg, Hopper’s lead economist, the variability in prices throughout the week is such that Tuesday offers the cheapest rates only 1% of the time. She emphasizes the importance of using price monitoring tools and booking domestic flights one to three months in advance, and international flights four to five months in advance to secure the best rates.

When to Fly to Maximize Savings

More significant savings can be realized by choosing the right day to fly rather than the right day to book. Data from Hopper indicates that departing in the middle of the week can save travelers an average of 18% on domestic summer airfares. Similarly, flying to Europe on a Tuesday or Wednesday this summer could save as much as $435 per ticket compared to weekend flights. Google Flights confirms that flying on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday is generally 12% cheaper than flying on weekends.

In conclusion, while the myth of “Book on Tuesday” persists, the data does not support this as a rule. Instead, travelers should focus more on flying mid-week and booking well in advance to take advantage of lower prices.

Sources: AirGuide Business,, Expedia, Hopper, and Google Flights
