Delta Air Lines’ Meteorologist Unveils the Impact of Weather on Air Travel


Weather plays a pivotal role in aviation, and Delta Air Lines employs a dedicated team of experts to closely monitor and predict weather conditions for every flight. Warren Weston, one of Delta’s seasoned meteorologists, recently offered a glimpse into the world of aviation meteorology, shedding light on their processes and priorities.

With three decades of experience at Delta, Weston highlighted the multifaceted nature of aviation meteorology, encompassing a spectrum of weather elements spanning both ground and aerial domains. Their assessments involve evaluating parameters such as wind speed and direction, visibility, cloud cover, precipitation, temperature, pressure, humidity, turbulence, thunderstorms, volcanic ash, and jet streams.

Weston underscored that aviation weather reports are distinct from those intended for the general public, as they are tailored to provide essential information for pilots and dispatchers. These reports utilize codes and abbreviations to convey weather conditions succinctly and in a standardized format. Moreover, they offer forecasts for different altitudes and time frames while alerting relevant parties to potential hazards or evolving conditions that may impact flights.

“Our goal is to provide ample lead time, empowering dispatchers and decision-makers to proactively manage operations, rather than reacting to unforeseen developments,” Weston stated. He emphasized that Delta’s meteorology team, the largest on-site department among U.S. airlines, collaborates closely with other operational units at the Operations and Customer Center in Atlanta to ensure the safety and efficiency of every flight.

Weston expressed his passion for meteorology, describing it as a dynamic and fulfilling profession. “Every day presents a unique challenge. You never quite know what to expect. Yet, it’s exceptionally gratifying to witness your forecasts align with reality, contributing to the seamless functioning of our operations,” he concluded.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
