Delta Pilots Make Safe Emergency Landing After Windshield Shatters


Pilots before take off, cockpit, airplane

Pilots on a Delta Air Lines flight were able to safely make an emergency landing after the cockpit window shattered during a flight following takeoff from Salt Lake City.

The flight, originally scheduled to land in Washington, D.C., instead was diverted to Denver.

“They came on the loudspeaker saying that the windshield had shattered, and we were diverting to Denver in about 10 minutes,” Rachel Wright, one of the 198 passengers on the plane, told a local television station according to The Guardian newspaper. “They kept coming on saying for everyone to stay calm, to be calm, and we were calm – so being told to stay calm while we were calm made us feel a little panicky.”

The windshield shattered but did not break.

The incident happened about 90 minutes into the flight and the plane did reach its 30,000-foot cruising altitude.

Delta told KUTV that “Out of an abundance of caution, the flight crew diverted into Denver and the plane landed routinely. Our team worked quickly to accommodate customers on a new plane, and we sincerely apologize for the delay and inconvenience to their travel plans.”

There were no injuries whatsoever. Passengers and crew boarded a new plane in Denver and continued on to Washington.
