Denver Airport to Construct $40 Million Equity Center for Aviation Careers


Denver International Airport (DEN) is planning to build a $40 million equity center as part of its ongoing $2.1 billion terminal renovation project. The equity center will be a unique facility that will serve as a hub for programs that promote aviation careers with an emphasis on recruiting under-represented groups.

The equity center will be located on the fifth level of the terminal, near the security checkpoints and the train to the gates. It will occupy about 30,000 square feet and will include classrooms, labs, simulators, and exhibits. The center will offer educational and training opportunities for students, teachers, and adults who are interested in pursuing careers in aviation, such as pilots, mechanics, engineers, and air traffic controllers.

The equity center will also partner with local schools, colleges, universities, and organizations to create pathways and scholarships for students from diverse backgrounds. The goal is to increase the diversity and inclusion in the aviation industry, which has historically been dominated by white males.

The equity center is supported by the airlines that serve DEN, which see it as a way to address the workforce shortage and the talent gap in the aviation sector. United Airlines spokesman Russell Carlton said that his company believes the center will “complement our own efforts to create more awareness and opportunity about the myriad of possible aviation careers.”

The equity center is expected to open in late 2023 or early 2024. It will be funded by airport revenues and grants from federal and state agencies.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
