Doctor on Qatar Airways Flight Helps Woman in Labor


A regular Qatar Airways flight from Doha, Qatar to Bangkok, Thailand was interrupted on Tuesday night when the crew requested the service of a doctor to help a passenger onboard who had gone into labor.

Alena Fedchenko, an ear, nose and throat doctor from Ukraine, volunteered to help the Thai woman, who had been in the second stage of labor in the flight attendant’s room. According to Fedchenko, the delivery was an easy one, as the healthy baby boy was born within 20 minutes of her arrival.

“The delivery was quick, and thankfully, without complications,” Fedchenko said. “The woman did not yell at all. I kept telling her everything would be all right, that I was a doctor and she was in safe hands.”

The pilot announced the birth of the flight’s newest little traveler, much to the passengers’ delight, before making an emergency landing in Calcutta, India so the mother and child could receive medical attention at a hospital. After a long delay, the flight took off again for Bangkok.

The grateful mother thanked Fedchenko heavily before departing, and the appreciative crew upgraded her to business class in thanks for her help. She was offered complimentary fruit and champagne to celebrate her accomplishment.

Qatar Airways has a policy that restricts “expectant mothers who are pregnant from their 36th week or beyond” from boarding their aircraft. Fedchenko, however, commented that the newborn did not appear premature.

A spokesperson for the company has not commented on the case, but the airways’ official Twitter account said it was “delighted to welcome a new member on the flight.” The airline also claims that the baby boy will be welcomed to join the Qatar Airways team “in 20 years time.”
