EasyJet still in talks with Swiss gov’t over aid


easyJet Europe (EC, Vienna) chief executive officer Thomas Haagensen has expressed disappointment that easyJet Switzerland (DS, Geneva) has not received Swiss government aid. In an interview with Telebasel on May 29, Haagensen said he could not understand why the budget carrier did not receive aid and hoped there was still a chance for it to do so. Switzerland’s Federal Council had asked parliament for guarantee credits totalling just under CHF1.9 billion Swiss francs (USD1.95 billion) including CHF1.275 billion (USD1.325 billion) to secure loans to Swiss airlines and CHF600 million (USD623.7 million) to support aviation-related businesses at Swiss airports. On April 30, the council revealed that Swiss (LX, Zurich) would receive assistance along with Edelweiss Air (WK, Zurich), but that easyJet Switzerland did not meet the conditions for a subsidiary federal commitment and therefore would not be granted anything. The LCC, a 51/49 joint-venture between a consortium of Swiss investors and easyJet Plc, was told to revert to its parent firm to cover its liquidity needs. But, as its turnover is less than CHF500 million (USD519.75 million), easyJet Switzerland does have the option of applying for a COVID bridging credit, the council said.
