El Al to deploy Bluebox wireless IFE as service enhancement on 737 Fleet


Israel’s flag carrier El Al has selected Bluebox Aviation Systems to provide wireless in-flight entertainment across 26 of its Boeing 737 aircraft.

“El Al is returning its fleet to the air with an invigorated commitment to our digital capabilities to ensure the most positive passenger experience on board,” said Tal Kalderon, Head of Inflight Entertainment and Connectivity, El Al. “Before the pandemic we committed to an innovation path towards connectivity, and though still on that path, we’ve realised that with Bluebox’s wireless IFE we don’t need to wait to deliver the digital service we aspire to for our passengers – we can do that now.”

The battery-operated Bluebox Wow wireless streaming system will offer El Al passengers a selection of movies, TV programmes, games, and a moving map. These can all be streamed to passengers’ devices. In addition to the Bluebox Wow wireless IFE deployment, El Al will be renewing its deployment of Bluebox-enabled iPads. The iPads are pre-loaded with early window IFE content and enhanced to enable access to content available on the Bluebox Wow wireless system.

“As long-standing customers of Bluebox, we’re pleased that Tal and his team have decided to take advantage of the cost and expediency benefits of deploying Bluebox Wow portable wireless IFE as a supplementary phase in their path to connectivity,” said Bluebox CEO, Kevin Clark. “The pandemic expedited a behavioural and expectation shift among passengers – they will expect a level of digital service on board, and yet the practical constraints of engineering certain types of technology onboard aircraft can mean a gap between that expectation and delivery.”
