Emirates Adds Routehappy Content to NDC Platform


Emirates has integrated Routehappy content into its direct connect New Distribution Capability API platform, ATPCO announced.

The integration enables Emirates to put Routehappy’s rich content, such as visual displays of flight services and amenities, alongside NDC offers in the platform, which Emirates launched this summer. As such, “our NDC offers are no longer just a customized price, attached to a schedule that is targeted to a certain agency,” Emirates chief commercial officer Adnan Kazim said in a statement. “ATPCO’s Routehappy Content enables this richer shopping capability so our travel agency partners can see what their customers are getting with their offer, such as the cabin, seat, inflight experience, health and safety protocols and more.”

The offers with enriched content are accessible to all agencies and sales channels using the Emirates Gateway API, according to ATPCO.

Michael B. Baker  www.businesstravelnews.com
