Emirates says slot shortages and big demand justify A380 return


A shortage of slots at major airports and strong consumer demand are underpinning the return of the Airbus A380 into Emirates’ fleet, according to the president of the Middle Eastern carrier.

During an interview with Bloomberg Television, Emirates Airlines CEO Tim Clark said that the Russian people have every right to continue travelling regardless of sanctions on the economy. So Emirates Airline will carry on operating to and above Russia for as long as it is told so by its owner, the government of Dubai.

Emirates currently offers Moscow twice daily and St. Petersburg daily with a fairly healthy passenger load, Clark admitted. The airline is also allowed to overfly Russia and does so on routes to the United States west coast.

“These sanctions are not aimed at the Russian people,” Clark said. “The Russian people are just as affected by what’s been going on in Ukraine as everyone else, I suspect.”

Clark said that passengers are traveling between Russia and UAE for humanitarian reasons, staff from non-profits, diplomats and some tourists. He added that cargo space is in very high demand.
