Emirates to Equip Fleet with Advanced Turbulence Detection Technology


Emirates, the leading airline based in Dubai, announced on Thursday its plans to enhance passenger safety by equipping its fleet with advanced technology capable of detecting severe turbulence. This initiative follows a recent severe turbulence incident involving Singapore Airlines, which resulted in numerous injuries and a fatality.

The airline will integrate the technology through its participation in the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Turbulence Aware Platform. Additionally, Emirates will incorporate Ludo mPilot navigation software, which provides pilots with real-time, highly accurate turbulence data and forecasts. This enables more efficient navigation and flight plan optimization, ensuring safer and smoother journeys for passengers and crew.

So far, Emirates has installed this cutting-edge technology on 140 of its aircraft and commits to outfitting every new plane joining the fleet, regardless of whether they are from Boeing or Airbus. The integration of these platforms not only improves safety but also enhances the overall flying experience by allowing pilots to avoid turbulence-prone areas effectively.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, bing.com, qz.com
