Empowering Single Moms: Discovering Joy and Connection Through Travel


Travel holds the key to healing and empowerment for single moms who have faced adversity in life, such as loss or divorce. Many single mothers are embarking on transformative journeys with their children to explore new cultures, rediscover their passions, and forge stronger connections. Let’s explore how single moms like Roni Dagan, Alison Lewis, and Catherine Chinatree are embracing travel as a means to find joy and connection, and highlight companies like Boundless Life that cater to families seeking immersive travel experiences.

Two and a half years ago, Roni Dagan from Tel Aviv, Israel, lost her husband, leaving her to cope with grief as a single mom. Determined to overcome her struggles, she chose to travel with her seven-year-old son, Gal, as a way to heal and indulge in her passions. For Roni, travel signifies freedom and adventure, an opportunity she cherishes with her son. Together, they have explored captivating destinations like Egypt, Tanzania, Bulgaria, and Greece, experiencing the profound joy that travel can bring. Roni emphasizes, “That loss … it made me realize … you just have to go and do the things that you love to do.”

A Community of Single Moms:
Roni Dagan is not the only single mom finding solace in travel. Many others are discovering the profound benefits of exploring the world, often with the support of travel companies catering to families. One such company, Boundless Life, specializes in creating nurturing communities for families in picturesque locations worldwide. Their flexible programs include accommodations, coworking spaces, schooling options, and recreational activities, catering to single moms like Elodie Ferchaud.

Elodie Ferchaud, Boundless Life’s head of demand generation, acknowledges that single parents often seek a supportive and enriching environment for themselves and their children. She says, “Single parents deal with so much already. They showcase strength, resilience, and connection, but they want more for their children.”

Alison Lewis: Finding Redemption in Travel:
Alison Lewis, a single mom from Texas, turned to travel as a means of redemption after her marriage ended in 2018. She embarked on a three-month escape to Hawaii with her two-year-old son, O, igniting a journey of exploration across the United States, reveling in nature and adventure. Alison acknowledges that being a solo-traveling mom presented its challenges, but it was equally rewarding. At home, she often felt left out as traditional families stuck together.

In search of camaraderie and bonding experiences, Alison Lewis joined Boundless Life for a six-week summer stay in Sintra, Portugal. The trip provided her with opportunities to work and connect with other like-minded moms in the group. More importantly, her son discovered joy and happiness beyond measure, an experience Alison struggled to provide at home.

Catherine Chinatree: A Journey of Reconnection:
Catherine Chinatree, a single mom from Margate, U.K., embarked on her travel journey with her son, Sonny, after separating from her partner five years ago. Their three-month adventure in Asia took them to temples, hiking trails, and wildlife encounters. Catherine sought to break away from their routine life in London and focus on her son’s growth. Travel became their vehicle for reconnection and shared joy.

Catherine Chinatree also chose Boundless Life for a three-month expedition to Sintra in the spring of 2023. The trip introduced her son to a vibrant community of Portuguese football enthusiasts and expanded her social circle. The sense of belonging they found abroad surpassed their experiences at home.

Roni Dagan, Alison Lewis, and Catherine Chinatree are already planning their next adventures with their children in 2024, considering destinations like India, Costa Rica, or wherever a welcoming community awaits. They are mindful of the fleeting nature of traveling with their children, recognizing that teenagers may choose friends over family during summers. As single moms, they aim to seize every opportunity to create lasting memories.

Travel emerges as a powerful avenue for single moms to find joy and connection. It not only helps them heal and grow but also inspires their children to be curious, adventurous, and open-minded. With the support of companies like Boundless Life, these single moms are forging bonds, creating memories, and shaping brighter futures for themselves and their children through the transformative power of travel.
