Endeavor Pilot Fired and Charged for Racist Graffiti


A commercial airline pilot for Endeavor Air, James Ellis Dees, has been arrested and terminated from his job after being caught writing racist graffiti in a Florida airport.

The offending messages were left in the Tallahassee airport’s bathrooms and parking lot elevator, and included multiple slurs towards African Americans and Hispanics such as ” NO N**S NO SP**S.” Several writings also included the president’s abbreviated slogan “#MAGA.”

Dees confessed to writing “some” of the graffiti after being confronted with video surveillance. According to police, he had told them that he had been going through a “really tough time” and has been dealing with “anger issues.”

After he was released from questioning, Dees reportedly left for a flight before deciding he was not in the “right state of mind” to fly a plane.

Dees has been charged with nine counts of criminal mischief and reportedly caused $200 worth of property damages. He pleaded not guilty in his first court appearance.

Endeavor Air later confirmed that Dees no longer worked for the airline, stating, “These actions in no way reflect the values of Endeavor Air, and this individual is no longer employed by the airline.”
