Enhance Your Dining Experience: Avoid These 6 Common Restaurant Mistakes


Going out to eat can be a fun and enjoyable way to socialize, celebrate, or try new cuisines. However, there are some common mistakes that many people make at restaurants that can ruin the mood, offend the staff, or lower the quality of the food.

Here are six restaurant etiquette tips that you should follow to avoid these pitfalls and have a better dining experience:

  • Don’t lift your menu off the table. According to etiquette expert Myka Meier, founder of Beaumont Etiquette and The Plaza Hotel Finishing Program, you should always keep the menu touching the table in one place when you look at. Lifting the menu off the table can make you look impatient or rude.
  • Don’t clink your glasses when you toast. Meier also advises against clinking your glasses, especially if you’re drinking from fine glassware that could break or chip. Clinking is also considered noisy and unnecessary in formal dining settings.
  • Drink from the same spot on your glass every time. This will prevent leaving a lip ring on the glass, which can be unsightly and unhygienic. Whether it’s from natural oils, chapstick, or lipstick, you don’t want to leave a mark on your glass that others can see.
  • Wait for everyone to be served before you start eating. This is a basic rule of courtesy that shows respect for your companions and the restaurant staff. If you have to send something back, tell the others to continue eating without you.
  • Tip generously and appropriately. The standard practice in the United States is to tip 20% for good service. Even if you’re not satisfied with the service, you should still tip something, as restaurant staff rely on tips for their income. If you’re in another country, check the local tipping customs before you dine.
  • Treat the wait staff with respect. This should go without saying, but don’t treat the waiter like a servant or a nuisance. Be polite, patient, and appreciative of their work. Don’t call out to them or snap your fingers to get their attention. Instead, try to make eye contact or raise your hand slightly.

By following these simple etiquette rules, you can avoid making mistakes that could spoil your restaurant experience. You can also impress your friends, family, or dates with your manners and sophistication. Bon appétit!

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, msn.com, rd.com, foodandwine.com, lisalyonsevents.com
