Enter Real-Life Healthcare Heroes to Win a Two-Night Boutique Hotel Stay


Classic Hotels & Resorts (CH&R) has just launched a campaign in appreciation of the first responders, medical professionals and healthcare workers who are laboring on the front lines against the COVID-19 pandemic, called ‘Hospitality for Healthcare Heroes’.

Honoring those who are putting themselves at risk and working tirelessly against the pandemic as the world watches, the new initiative encourages Americans to nominate local healthcare heroes in their communities who are rising to the unprecedented challenges caused by the Coronavirus.

After nominations close on May 15, 2020, CH&R will randomly select 250 of those everyday heroes to receive a two-night package to stay at the CH&R hotel of their choice. The Classic Hotels & Resorts collection consists of six boutique-style properties, located in Laguna Beach and Carmel-by-the-Sea, California; and Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona.

Entries can be submitted on the campaign webpage with a description of your nominee’s role or experiences on the front lines of COVID-19, along with a photo or video. Healthcare workers can also be nominated by posting submissions on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #hospitality4healthcareheroes.

CH&R is a family-owned and -operated hotel collection that maintains its community focus. Having spoken with healthcare workers in California and Arizona, CH&R President, John Grossman, said, “The resounding message is that they’re exhausted and worried about their family members, who they leave behind each day to fight on all of our behalfs.”

The goal of the Healthcare Heroes Campaign is to provide the prospect of enjoying some well-earned rest and relaxation for those workers, once the crisis has abated. But, it’s also to spread word of their individual stories, sacrifices and successes, and to express the public’s gratitude for their extraordinary efforts.

“We want to give back, we want to give our healthcare heroes something to look forward to,” said John’s wife, Ginna Grossman. “When this is all over, it will be our privilege and honor to invite those who are laying it all on the line for us right now to come stay at a property of their choosing—tons of TLC included.”

With the crisis having forced CH&R to furlough almost 900 of its employees, the Grossmans and company leaders have also launched a GoFundMe campaign, called ‘Bringing our Family Through the Storm’, to help their associates and their families with cash for groceries and other essentials while the pandemic persists. After just four days, the fund has already raised over $92,000.

While times are tough for the hospitality industry, and CH&R’s team is working around the clock to preserve the future of the family business, the Grossmans are focusing on the positive. In a statement, the company collectively published a message to the nation’s healthcare heroes: “We are still here. We are in your corner. We will come back stronger than ever to do our part to care for you during your time of recovery.”
